Want to submit a guest post to BEST OF FRANCE: “le blog”?
We are very happy to welcome Guest Bloggers and eager to discover why you love or what is it you love from this beautiful country, or your views on Franco-American friendship.
Here are some guidelines you must adhere to when writing you post.
BEST OF FRANCE: “le blog” Guest Bloggers Guidelines
Quality Requirements and Formatting Preferences
- Post should be well written, concise, exclusively in English.
- Post should be between 1.800 and 3.500 characters – content, not counting title and bio
- Post must be original. It can’t be a post that has been posted on your own blog or anywhere else before. It should not be re-published elsewhere in the future. Guest Blogger may republish extracts up to 75 words on his/her own site, but the article in its entirety should not appear elsewhere.
- Post should have a title.
- Post should contain a minimum of 2 photos and a maximum of 8, including one main picture to illustrate the post. All images should be properly attributed and credited if and when applicable.
- Articles should be submitted in a document file (i.e. Word), with all appropriate links indicated with either full URL’s provided or attachments provided (e.g. images, original video files, etc.) as applicable
- The final layout of the post will be in line with the general layout of BEST OF FRANCE: “le blog”
Preferred Topics and Subjects
- Post should be relevant to BEST OF FRANCE: “le blog” which aims to highlights the best France has to offer in the following fields:
- Fashion,
- Beauty,
- Gastronomy,
- Tourism,
- Technology,
- French Tech,
- Lifestyle,
- Art and Culture
- Franco-American friendship
- Whenever possible, post should focus on:
- Creativity,
- Innovation,
- Excellence,
- Uniqueness,
- Respect of tradition
Link Requirements and Policies
- Links should be used as appropriate to the content of the post.
- Links are encouraged to other posts/pages found in BEST OF FRANCE Website when and where appropriate.
- No links are permitted to unrelated sites or affiliate links.
Guest Blogger Bio
- Guest Bloggers should include a short biography of no more than 75 words. A photo is a plus. This bio will appear at the end of the post and should be provided along with the post.
- Bio can contain a maximum of 2 links – either to the author’s website, Twitter handle, or author’s blog.
- There will be a paragraph at the beginning of the post introducing the Guest Blogger that will also include a link to the Guest Blogger’s site.
Editorial Policy
- BEST OF FRANCE: “le blog” reserves the right to edit the post as needed (for example to fix spelling, grammar and/or create clarity). Please don’t be offended if we suggest changes or ask you to rework part of an article to meet our requirements.
- BEST OF FRANCE: “le blog” reserves the right to reject posts if not appropriate.
- Posts that criticize individuals and/or organizations, and/or may be perceived to victimize or bully will not be accepted.
- If your post is approved, BEST OF FRANCE: “le blog” will inform you of its expected publication date.
Community Building & Promotion Policy
- Guest Bloggers are expected to promote BEST OF FRANCE: “le blog” via their regular communication channels with their regular audience, including (but not limited to) their blog, website, e-news and/or social media channels.
- We expect Guest Blogger to respond to the comments on a post they write.